Band: Kromlek
Album: Strange Rumours... Distant Tremors
Genre: Folk/Viking Metal
Type: Full-length
Year: 2007
Country: Germany

Pick from the library. Recently remembered that they have split up and I discovered them long before blog, so this is the way to mention them here.
Pretty fun folk/viking metal, could be best release in their, unfortunately, short discography. Maybe more on the viking side.
Varied and flowing but easy to follow. Tracks are rich and interesting. It could be easy, cheerful and dancey but also could be serious, epic and tragic.
Plenty of awesome catchy riffs, melodies and vocal lines. I really like opening verse from Harvest: "But as I swallowed the lake I felt nothing for these was nothing they taught me!". Incredible.
And a lot of good tracks, to name some: Grim Omens, Fólkthing, The Drakkar Approach.
Superb release, my recommendation.
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