
[Raw Black] Moonblood - Blut & Krieg

Band: Moonblood
Album: Blut & Krieg
Genre: Raw Black Metal
Type: Full-length
Year: 1997
Country: Germany
https://www.metal-archives.com/albums/Moonblood/Blut_%26_Krieg/3264 https://musicbrainz.org/release/a76f95ec-c78f-4b07-9ea0-0828ea6af15d https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9pBxZjebWNQ
Surprisingly, I have Moonblood in the library for a while now (and if you had asked me 20 years ago then I'd said there's no way on Earth I will enjoy something like that). Decided to share.
It is a rare case of me liking raw black and rehearsal releases (they have mostly rehearsals though this one is not one of them).
Raw, rough but with acceptable quality and it is easy to hear every instrument and every part. Freezing, evil and somewhat misanthropic but also epic and inspiring. Like you are a part of marching evil army.
Tempo is average to slow but it is never dragging you down. Riffs are moving and pumping, it is mostly riff based, not tremolo style. Tracks are a bit repetitive but they have good hooks so you don't mind to hear more of them.
Some tracks I'd like to note. "...and Snow Covered the Lifeless Bodies" is tragic yet epic with good melodies. "Blut & Krieg" is just a solid and well-done track with a main line you can sing along.
And "Shadows" is hell a lot of fun, probably, my favorite of theirs. Main riff for me has black'n'roll vibes - catchy and upbeat; and rest of the track creates a good contrast.
Overall very good black metal band. My recommendation if you've never heard them before.

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