
[Depressive Black] None - Damp Chill of Life

Band: None
Album: Damp Chill of Life
Genre: Depressive Black Metal
Type: Full-length
Year: 2019
Country: United States
https://www.metal-archives.com/albums/None/Damp_Chill_of_Life/765489 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_A4yhLYseDA
Insanely gorgeous release!
Depressive black with some atmospheric black and lo-fi ambient influences.
Emotional, intense and beautiful. Chilling-relaxing and chilling-freezing and the same time.
Good noisy riffs, touching melodies and pleasant calm parts. Piercing solos and sound overall.
Shows you how originally and masterfully can depressive black be done.
Definitely saved.

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