
[Post-Metal] Trees, Clouds & Silence - Let Me Die on Your Roots

Band: Trees, Clouds & Silence
Album: Let Me Die on Your Roots
Genre: Post-Metal
Type: Full-length
Year: 2018
Country: Spain
https://www.metal-archives.com/albums/Trees%2C_Clouds_%26_Silence/Let_Me_Die_on_Your_Roots/710621 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzVFmBqzEqA
I think it is post-metal with some atmospheric black influences.
Slow and tragic yet calm and dreamy.
The album starts weak but then throw at you all of its beauty and magnificence.
Touching melodies, simple and effective keys.
I like it. The first release is probably better to me but this one is still okay.

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