
[Atmospheric Black] Saor - Aura

Band: Saor
Album: Aura
Genre: Atmospheric Black Metal
Type: Full-length
Year: 2014
Country: United Kingdom
https://www.metal-archives.com/albums/Saor/Aura/407027 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVk3wvcP8TI
Some folk influences (maybe enough to use in genre but I decided not to do so).
Incredibly beautiful, astonishing music, among my most favorite ones.
Deep atmospheric tragic black alongside emotional tender spellbinding folk melodies.
Like composition, orchestration, drum work, acoustic instruments.
It builds up pressure and drama and then some piercing melody kicks in and time just stops. So full of soul.
I strongly recommend anyone to check this out.
One more tiny reason to live.

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